TM 11-2323
(3) Carefully lift the blower motor out of the projector housing.
(4) To remove either fan, use an Allen wrench to loosen the set-
screw that holds the fan in place on the motor shaft; then
slide the fan from the shaft.
Caution: Be sure to reinstall the blower motor in the
projector housing so that the blower nozzles face the
projection lamp. To reassemble the blower motor and
fans, perform the procedures given in (1) through (4)
above in reverse order.
h. Power Swicth.
(1) Perform the procedures given in e (2)) (3)) and (4) above.
(2) Remove the two power switch screws (fig. 2.2) that secure
the on-off switch on the front of the projector housing.
(3) Withdraw the switch from the housing as far as the attached
leads will permit; unscrew the two terminal screws from the
switch and remove the leads.
(1) To reinstall the power switch, perform the procedures given
in (l), (2), and (3) above in reverseorder.
i. Rear Surface Mirror (fig. 33.2).
( 1) Raise the project ion stage all the way.
(2) Remove the two mirror adjustment screws and washers.
(3) Carefully remove the two mirror mounting screws on each
side at the mirror axis, and lift the rear surface mirror out.
(4) To reinstall the rear surface mirror, perform the procedures
in (1), (2), and (3) above in reverse order.
Note. Whenever the rear surface mirror ix removed and reinstalled,
it must be realigned (par. 59).
K. Roll Attachment Winding Knobs.
(1) To disassemble either the takeup roll or the supply roll wind-
ing knob (fig. 2.2) and its pivot, remove the setscrew in the
takeup roll or supply roll winding knob with a No. 8 Allen
wrench, slide the pivot out of the permanently attached sleeve
bushing, and catch the takeup roll or supply roll winding
knob as it falls free.
(2) To disassemble either the takeup roll or the supply roll ten-
sion knob (fig, 32.2) and pivot, depress the tension pivot
against the side of the projector housing. Loosen the Allen-
head screw the the takeup roll or supply roll tension knob,
and remove the takeup roll or supply roll tension knob. Re-
lease pressure on the tension pivot. The pivot, washer, and
spring call then be removed from the sleeve bushing.