TM 10-3610-203-14
3-1. General Lubrication Information
This section contains lubrication instructions for the press shelter unit of the special warfare printing plant.
3-2. Detailed Lubrication Information
a. General. Keep all lubricants in closed containers and store in a clean, dry place away from external heat. Allow no
dust, dirt, or other foreign material to mix with the lubricants. Keep all lubrication equipment clean and ready for use.
b. Cleaning. Keep all external parts not requiring lubrication clean of lubricants. Before lubricating the equipment,
wipe all lubrication points free of dirt and grease. Clean all lubrication points after lubricating to prevent accumulation of
foreign matter.
c. Points of Lubrication. Lubricate the door hinges and handles of the press shelter with a few drops of lubricating
oil (Item 16, App. D) monthly, or if binding occurs during operation.
3-3. General
To ensure that the printing plant is ready for operation at all times, it must be inspected systematically so that defects
may be discovered and corrected before they result in serious damage or failure. The necessary preventive
maintenance checks and services are listed in table 3-1. Defects discovered during operation of the system shall be
noted for future correction to be made as soon as operation has ceased. Stop operation immediately if a deficiency is
noted during operation, which would damage the equipment if operation were continued. All deficiencies and
shortcomings will be recorded together with the corrective action taken on DA Form 2404 (Equipment Inspection and
Maintenance Worksheet) at the earliest possible opportunity. Before and during operation, ensure that attention is given
to applicable warnings and cautions and perform the before (B) and during (D) preventive maintenance checks and
services as applicable.
3-4. Daily Preventive Maintenance Services
Refer to table 3-1 for a listing of preventive maintenance checks and services which must be performed by the
operator. An explanation of the tabular columns is as follows:
a. Item Number. The number appearing in this column indicates the chronological order of the checks and services
regardless of interval. This column is used as a source of item numbers for the TM Number column on DA Form 2404,
Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet, in recording results of preventive maintenance checks and services.
b. Interval. The columns headed B, D, A, W, and M contain a dot ( ) opposite the appropriate check. Thus, if a
given check is to be performed before operation, a dot is placed in the B column opposite the check to be performed. If
the check is to be accomplished during operation, the dot would be in the column headed D, and if the same check is to
be made in two or more periods, a dot will be in each applicable column.
c. Combat Operability(C). The C column identifies combat operability checks for unit readiness reporting purposes.
d. Item To Be Inspected. The items listed in this column are divided into groups under which the item to be
inspected is identified.
e. Procedures. This column contains a brief description of the checks to be performed.
f: For Readiness Reporting Equipment is Not Ready/Available If. This column contains the criteria which will
cause the equipment to be classified as not ready/available because of inability to perform its primary mission.