TM 10-3610-203-14
2-1. General
The instructions in this section are published for the information and guidance of personnel responsible for
operation of the printing plant. The editorial and photomechanical unit of the special warfare transportable printing plant
is used in conjunction with the press shelter component of the printing plant.
The operator must know how to perform every operation of which the printing plant is capable. This section
gives instructions on starting and stopping the printing plant which consist of procedures to apply primary power and
adjust the lighting and air conditioning. This section also provides instructions on the operation of the major components
installed in the printing plant and on coordinating the basic motions to perform the specific tasks for which the equipment
is designed. Since nearly every job presents a different problem, the operator may have to vary given procedures to fit
the individual job.
2-2. Starting the System
Power to the shelter unit is provided by a 15KW diesel powered generator.
Grounding the Shelter. Before the shelter is connected to a power source, it must be grounded as follows:
Do not connect shelter to power supply or attempt to operate shelter equipment until the
shelter is properly connected to a suitable ground. Failure to observe this warning may result
in serious injury or death.
Select a bolt or a screw to which the ground lead can be fastened securely and attach the lead to the bolt.
The ladder-attaching screw will serve this purpose satisfactorily.
Remove any paint or grease from the ground rod. Select the lowest, dampest area within 10 feet (3
meters) of the bolt to which the ground lead is attached, scoop out a hole about 6 inches (i5 cm) deep, and drive the
ground rod into the hole until only about 3 inches (7.5 cm) of the rod extends above the ground.
Attach the ground lead to the ground rod; then saturate the ground around the rod with water.
Preparation for Starting.
Do not perform any electrical maintenance or make any electrical connection or disconnection
at the main power receptacle while the generator set engine is running.
Connect the primary power cable to the input power receptacle located near the door of the shelter, prior to
connecting the cable to the power source. The cable connector and the receptacles are keyed to ensure proper
Connect the power cable to the generator power source.
Starting the System.
Start the generator set in accordance with the applicable Department of the Army Technical Manual.
Position all circuit breakers in the main power service box to the right of the shelter door to on.
Position both fluorescent light switches to the left of the shelter door to on.
Position the air conditioner controls for the desired mode of operation, relative humidity and temperature
setting. (See fig. 2-1.)