TM 5-4940-228-14WARNINGInhalation of exhaust gases can resultin serious illness or death. Do notoperate the engine in an enclosed areaunless the exhaust gases are piped tothe outside.d. Allow engine to warm-up for approximately 3minutes before applying load.2-11. Operation in Extreme Heat.c. Check respirators frequently to be sure theyare in good condition and not clogged with dirt.2-13. Operation Under Rainy or Humid Condi-tions.a. High humidity and rainy weather conditionscan cause deterioration of exposed metal parts.Make every effort to protect the Paint Spray Outfitfrom the elements. If the Paint Spray Outfit is notto be used for a period of time, either move it to ashelter or protect it by covering with a tarpaulin.a. Locate the cart mounted compressor unit in ab. Keep gasoline tank full to eliminate condens-well ventilated area that will allow maximumation. Remove and clean fuel filter bowl dailyamount of cool air to circulate through engine and(Refer to TM 5-2805-257-14).compressor.c. Lubricate wheel bearings more frequentlyb. Check oil levels frequently. Fill if necessary.than normal.c. Keep outside of engine and compressor clean.Dirt acts as an insulator which prevents heat fromescaping into the air.d. Fill the gasoline tank at the end of each day’soperation to prevent accumulation of vapor withinthe tank.2-12. Operation in Dusty Areas.a. Protect the Paint Spray Outfit from dust andsand as much as possible. Cleanliness is importantto proper cooling.b. Check the air cleaners on both the engine andcompressor frequently, clean or replace as required.When adding or checking oil levels, remove dirtfrom around the openings. Keep oil and gasolinecontainers covered, dust-free and tight.2-14. Operation in Salt Water Areas.a. The deterioration and corrosion of exposedmetal is greatly accelerated in salt water areas. Allparts of the unit should be wiped dry whenever theunit is shut down.b. If the Paint Spray Outfit is not to be used for along period of time, apply an approved preservativeto all exposed metal parts.2-15. Operation at High Altitudes.a. A decrease in engine and compressor effi-ciency will be observed at high altitudes. Less air isdrawn into the cylinders.b. Service the air cleaners on both engine andcompressor daily to assure maximum air intake.2-12
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