TM 5-3610-295-13&P-1
b. Editorial Shelter Interior. Refer to Figure 1-3 for location of major components.
Wall Cabinet (1). Used to store paper and other supplies.
Main Power Receptacle Assembly (2). Provides connection between main power cable and main
power service box.
Blackout Warning Buzzer (3). Along with exterior blackout switch provides a blackout warning
Main Power Service Box (4). Contains circuit breakers and distribution terminals for shelter electrical
Fresh Air Filter (5). A foam-type air filter permits filtered outside air to enter shelter when door is
closed and exterior weather cover is open.
Drop-Off Box Assembly (6). Provides a means of receiving or sending copy material without
opening the shelter door.
Stool (7). Used in conjunction with the light table.
Tilt Top Light Table (8). Provides a surface for preparing copy for making printing plates.
First Aid Kit (9). A general purpose 12 unit first aid kit.
(10) Fire Extinguisher (10). A class 2-BC dry chemical type extinguisher suitable for all types of fire, with
the exception of LO (liquid oxygen) generating equipment.
(11) Lamp Assemblies (11). Provides fluorescent light for shelter.
(12) Historical File Cabinet (12). Used to store paper and other supplies.
(13) Artist Supply Cabinet (13). Used to store artist supplies.
(14) Safelight (14). Used for light when working with material sensitive to light.
(15) Pin-Point Light Source (15). Provides pin point light for use with the vacuum frame.
(16) PMT Processor (16). Processes PMT material for use in preparing copy.
(17) Gun Rack (17). Provides storage of weapons.
(18) Air Conditioner (18). A combination heating and cooling unit, thermostatically controlled for correct
temperature control.