TM 11-6720-248-12
f. Horizontal Positioning Bar and Titleboards. The
of three legs, an outer tube, an inner tube, a
horizontal positioning bar consists of the titleboard tube
counterbalance assembly, and associated hardware.
and the titleboard holder assembly. The titleboard holder
The three legs are connected to the lower end of the
assembly is fastened to one end of the titleboard tube
outer tube by three leg links, and to a selected position
and holds a titleboard. The opposite end of the titleboard
on the outer tube by the leg hinge collar and the leg
tube contains a contractor assembly which joins to a
hinge clamp screw. The three leg links hold the legs
mating connector in the camera housing and secures the
equidistant from the outer tube as the leg hinge collar is
horizontal positioning bar to the camera assembly. The
positioned on the outer tube. The inner tube fits inside
front of each titleboard is grooved, and the tabs on the
the outer tube and is spring-loaded by the
letters and numerals are inserted into these grooves to
counterbalance assembly. The spring pressure of the
supply information to be photographed with the subject.
counterbalance assembly compensates for the weight of
the camera assembly, the horizontal positioning bar, the
g. External Battery Charger.
The external
dual strobe support arm assembly, and the strobe and
battery charger provided with camera sets that
clamp assemblies. The inner tube is held at a selected
include Model 700 strobe units. consists of a
height in the outer tube by the telescope clamp collar and
chassis, and associated circuitry for recharging
the telescope clamp screw.
battery ray assembles. Battery charger operates
d. Dual Strobe Support Arm Assembly. The dual
independently from the camera set, therefor as many
strobe support arm assembly consists of a support arm,
as Sour spare battery tray assemblies may be
two quick-release clips, a junction box, and two captive
charged simultaneously while the camera set is in
thumbscrews. The two captive thumbscrews are used to
operation. Battery trays are inserted and the self
attach the support arm to the camera assembly. The
contained timer controls the ac OOFF function for up
quick-release clips are provided for attaching the strobe
to 16 hours.
and clamp assemblies to the support arm. The junction
box contains a battery and triggering circuit which is used
to isolate the strobe assemblies and reduce current
through the shutter switch during operation of the strobe
assemblies. A shutter cord and two flash cords are used
to connect the lens and shutter assembly to the strobe
e. Strobe and Clamp Assembly. Each strobe and
clamp assembly consists of a quick-release clamp, for
attaching the strobe assembly to the dual strobe support
arm assembly, and a strobe assembly. The strobe
assembly is an electronic flash unit which consists of a
power supply, a light source, four sub-C Ni-Cad
batteries, and a battery-charging circuit contained in a
single housing. Portable power is supplied by the four
removable sub-C Ni-Cad rechargeable batteries
mounted in a battery tray which is held in the housing by
two plastic clips.
A power cord is furnished for
alternating current (ac) operation and recharging the