Chapter 1. FUNCTIONINGShutter Cocking Arm 3Figure 14. Focusing mechanism.Focusing MechanismViewfinderFigure 1-6. Finder assembly, optical schematic diagram.Figure 1-7. Shutter assembly, schematic diagram.Chapter 2. TROUBLESHOOTINGSpecial Test Equipment and Tools RequiredShutter Assembly TroubleshootingShutter Assembly Troubleshooting - continuedFinder Assembly TroubleshootingChapter 3. PARTS REPLACEMENTS AND REPAIRSFigure 3-1. Camera set disassembly.Disassembling the Front CoverFigure 3-2. Front cover disassembly.Disassembling the Base Block and Electronic Mounting Block AssembliesFigure 3-3. Shutter disassembly.Electronic Mounting Block AssemblyFigure 35. Electronic mounting block disassemblyDisassembling the Back CoverFigure 3-7. Rear door and rear cover disassembly.Disassembling the Finder AssemblyFigure 3-8 Finder assembly, exploded view.Section II. REPAIR, CLEANING, AND LUBRICATIONSection III. REASSEMBLYReassembling Base Block Assembly, Stage 1Reassembling Base Block Assembly, Stage II.Reassembling Base Block Assembly, Stage II - continuedReassembling the Body/BellowsReassembling the Back CoverReassembling the Finder AssemblyReassembling the Front CoverReassembling Camera Component SubassembliesFigure 3-9. Baseblock assembly adjustment diagram.Figure 3-10. Electronic mounting block adjustments.Electronic Mounting Block Color Code/Value Table9Shutter Cable Release Installation and AdjustmentFinal Adjustment of Finder AssemblyChapter 4. DEPOT OVERHAUL STANDARDSShutter Assembly Operational TestLens and Finder Assembly CollimationTest Procedures.Appendix A. REFERENCES - TM-11-6720-239-350051Appendix B. DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST - TM-11-6720-239-350053Explanation of Columns - TM-11-6720-239-350054Special Information - TM-11-6720-239-350055Section II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot MaintenanceSection II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance - continued - TM-11-6720-239-350057Section II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance - continued - TM-11-6720-239-350058Section II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance - continued - TM-11-6720-239-350059Section II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance - continued - TM-11-6720-239-350060Section II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance - continued - TM-11-6720-239-350061Section II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance - continued - TM-11-6720-239-350062Section II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance - continued - TM-11-6720-239-350063Section II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance - continued - TM-11-6720-239-350064Section II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance - continued - TM-11-6720-239-350065Section II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance - continued - TM-11-6720-239-350066Section II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance - continued - TM-11-6720-239-350067Section II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance - continued - TM-11-6720-239-350068Section II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance - continued - TM-11-6720-239-350069Section II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance - continued - TM-11-6720-239-350070Section II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance - continued - TM-11-6720-239-350071Section II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance - continued - TM-11-6720-239-350072Section II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance - continued - TM-11-6720-239-350073Section II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance - continued - TM-11-6720-239-350074Section II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance - continued - TM-11-6720-239-350075Section II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance - continued - TM-11-6720-239-350076Section II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance - continued - TM-11-6720-239-350077Section II. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance - continued - TM-11-6720-239-350078SECTION rv INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER CROSS REFERENCESECTION IV INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER CROSS REFERENCE - TM-11-6720-239-350080SECTION IV INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER CROSS REFERENCE - TM-11-6720-239-350081SECTION IV INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER CROSS REFERENCE - TM-11-6720-239-350082SECTION IV INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER CROSS REFERENCE - TM-11-6720-239-350083Section V. INDEX-REFERENCE DESIGNATION - TM-11-6720-239-350084Section V. INDEX-REFERENCE DESIGNATION - TM-11-6720-239-350085Section V. INDEX-REFERENCE DESIGNATION - TM-11-6720-239-350086Figure 34. Baseblock disassembly.Figure 3-6. Body/bellows disassembly.TM-11-6720-239-35 Camera Set Still Pictures KS-101(A) Manual