45. General
The troubleshooting and repair that can be performed at the or-
ganizational maintenance level are limited in scope by the tools and
replaceable parts available and by the existing tactical situation.
This section will help the repairman to determine the cause of trouble
and will suggest corrective action. A reference to chapter 6 indicates
that the required repairs or adjustments should be made by field
p e r s o n n e l a n d n o t b y p e r s o n n e l a t t h e organizational maintenance
46. Troubleshooting Using Equipment Performance Checklist
a. General. The equipment preformance checklist (par. 47) will
help to locate trouble in the equipment. The list gives the item to
be checked, the normal indications of correct operation, and corrective
measures that can be taken by the operator. To use the list effectively,
always follow the items in numerical sequence.
b. Action or Condition. For some items, the information given in
the action or condition column consists of switch or control settings
under which the item is to be checked. For other items, it represents
an action that must be taken to clock the normal indication given in
the normal indications column.
c. Normal Indication. The normal indications listed include
visible and audible sounds that the operator should perceive when he
checks the item. If these signs are not normal, the operator should
apply the recommended corrective measures.
d. Corrective Measures. The corrective measures listed are those
which the operator can make without turning in the equipment for
repairs. A reference in the table to chapter 6 indicates that trouble-
shooting by an experienced repairman is necessary. However, if the
tactical situation requires that operation be maintained, and if the
equipment is not completely inoperative, the operator must keep the
projector in operation as long as it is possible to do so.
TAGO 4138B