(c) Column C. This column indicates the lowest maintenance
categories authorized to install the part. "O"-Organiza-
tional maintenance (operator and organizational)
(d) Column D. Not used.
(2) Federal stock number. This column lists the 11-digit Federal
stock number.
(3) Designation by model. Not used.
(4) Description. Nomenclature or the standard item name and
brief identifying data for each item are listed in this column.
When requisitioning, enter the nomenclature and description.
(5) Unit of issue. The unit of issue is each unless otherwise indi-
cated and is the supply term by which the individual item is
counted for procurement, storage, requisitioning, allowances,
and issue purposes.
(6) Expendability. Nonexpendable items are indicated by NX.
Expendable items are not annotated.
(7) Quantity incorporated in unit. This column lists the quantity
of each part found in a given assembly, component, or equip
(8) Organizational. The quantities indicated in this column are
maximum levels of repair parts authorized to be kept on hand
by unite performing organizational maintenance. The quan-
tities are based on 100 equipments to be maintained for a 15-day
(9) Direct support. This column indicates quantities of repair
parts authorized for initial stockage for use in the direct support
maintenance. and in supply support to organization. The
quantities are based on 100 equipmenta to be maintained for a
15-day period.
(10) General support. The numbers in this column indicate quan-
tities of repair parts authorized for initial stockage for we in
general support maintenance. The quantities are based on 100
equipmenta to be maintained for a 15-day period.
(11) Depot. The numbers in this column indicate quantities of
repair parts authorized for depot maintenance and for initial
stockage for maintenance, and for supply support to lower
categories. The entries are baaed on the quantity required for
rebuild of 100 equipments.
(12) Illustration. The "Item No." column lists the reference desig-
nations that appear on the part in the equipment. These same
designations are also used on any illustrations of the equipment.
The numbers in the "Figure No." column refer to the illustra-
tions where the part is shown.
2. Ports for Maintenance
When this equipment is used by signal service organizations organic to
TAGO 7114-B