PROJECTORS - TM-11-23230001PROJECTORS - TM-11-23230003Reporting of Equipment Publication Improvements - TM-11-23230004Items Comprising an Operable EquipmentExpendable Consumable Items.Explanation of Columns.SECTION II. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - TM-11-23230008Appendix II. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTColumnsSECTION II. FUNCTIONAL PARTS LISTSECTION II. FUNCTIONAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-11-23230014SECTION II. FUNCTIONAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-11-23230015SECTION II. FUNCTIONAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-11-23230016SECTION II. FUNCTIONAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-11-23230017SECTION III. DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT AND DEPOT FUNCTIONAL PARTS LIST - TM-11-23230018Appendix III. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATIONGeneral - TM-11-23230020Maintenance by Using OrganizationsSECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-11-23230022SECTION III. ALLOCATION OF TOOLS FOR MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONSSECTION IV. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTSECTION V. ALLOCATION OF TOOLS FOR MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONSSection IV (Added) ORGANIZATIONAL, DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS LISTGeneral - TM-11-23230027Additional Repair Parts AuthorizationRequisitioning lnformation (Direct and General Support)SECTION II. ORGANIZATIONAL FUNCTIONAL PARTS LISTSECTION II. ORGANIZATIONAL FUNCTIONAL PARTS LIST - continuedSECTION III. DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT AND DEPOT FUNCTIONAL PARTS LIST - TM-11-23230032SECTION III. DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT AND DEPOT FUNCTIONAL PARTS LIST - continuedAUXILIARY EQUIPMENT, SPINNER, POLARIZER BM-34 (A)Figure 23.2 Spinner. Polarizer BM-34(A).OperationFigure 23.3 Spinner, Polarizer BM-34(A), packing and packing diagram.Operation Under Unusual ConditionsTroubleshootingDisassembly and ReassemblyImageDrivebelt Tension AdjustmentOrder of the Secretary of the Army TECHNICAL MANUAL - TM-11-23230049Material Required for MaintenanceDaily Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Chart - TM-11-23230051Weekly Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services ChartSection II. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCEOrganizational Preventive MaintenanceMonthly Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Chart - TM-11-23230055Lubrication - TM-11-23230056Organizational Troubleshooting - TM-11-23230057Organizational Troubleshooting ChartAppendix I. REFERENCESTECHNICAL MANUAL - TM-11-23230063Figure 1-1. Projector, Still Picture PH-637C/PFP, Components PartsIndex of PublicationsTable of Components - TM-11-23230066Table of Components-ContinuedRousing.Rousing - continued - TM-11-23230069aperture plates, and accessoriesRousing - continued - TM-11-23230071Carrying CaseFigure 5.1. Projector PH-637C/PFP, Carrying case cover removedDifferences in Models - TM-11-23230074Differences in Models - continued - TM-11-23230075Carrying Case - continuedFigure 7.1. Projector, Still Picture PH-697C/PFP, projector housing, rear view, rear door open.Differences in Models - continued - TM-11-23230078Rust and CorrosionRust and Corrosion - continuedFigure 29.3. Projector, Still Picture PH-637C/PFP with bottom cover removedFigure 32.2. Projector, Still Picture PH-63YC/PFP with projection stage raised, top viewProjection Stage.ReflectorLamphouse Assembly.Lamp Socket Power SwitchProjection-Head Assembly (PH-637C/PFP)Support Arm. - TM-11-23230089Elevation Knob and Focusing KnobDEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY TECHNICAL MANUALTable of Components - TM-11-23230094Comments on ManualFigure 2.1. Projector, Still Picture PH-tWB/PFP, less roll attachments, aperture plates, and aperture plate holder. (Added)Comments on Manual - continued - TM-11-23230097Comments on Manual - continued - TM-11-23230098Power Supply Figure 96.1. Projector, Still Picture PH-637B/PFP, projector housing. (Added)Figure 28.1. Condensing lens and heat absorbing, PH-637B/PFP. (Added)Reflector, Projector, Still Picture PH-637B/PFPFigure 29.1. Projector, Still Picture PH-637B/PFP, bottom view. (Added)Figure 29.2. Projector, Still Picture PH--637B/PFP with bottom removed. (Added)Figure 32.1. Roil attachment disassembled, PH-637B/PFP. (Added)CrankFigure 1. Projector PH-637/PFP in use.Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-11-23230111Table of Components - TM-11-23230112Figure 2. Projector PH-637A/PFP on projector stand.Figure 3. Projector PH-637/PFP, component parts Figure 4. Projector PH-637( * )/PFP, case.Power CordTechnical Characteristics - TM-11-23230117Figure 5. Projector PH-637-/PFP,case open.Bottom of Projector HousingChapter 2. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-11-23230120Figure 6. Packaging diagram.Installation - TM-11-23230122Section II. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - TM-11-23230123Placement of Projector - TM-11-23230124KFigure 8. placement of projector for viewingSection III. METHODS OF PRESENTATION - TM-11-23230126Cellophane or Plastic SheetsCarbon-Coated FilmFigure 11. Use of overlays.Flannel BoardFigure 18. Use of flannel board with projector.Animated DevicesSupplementary MaterialsDirect MethodsFigure 16. Use Of ink in preparation of transparencies.Figure 17. Use of adhesive patterns in preparation of transparencies.Dry Ammonia PrintingReflex PrintingMulticolored Transparencies and OverlaysFigure 18. Preparation of color overlay transparency.Photographs.Figure 20. Preparation of transparency by using sepia lithofoil intermediates.Figure 21. Preparation of a trannparency by the Bruing method.Section V. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONSTropic and Desert Areas - TM-11-23230145Chapter 3. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-11-23230146Preventive Maintenance Checklist - TM-11-23230147Preventive Maintenance Checklist - continued - TM-11-23230148Use of Preventive Maintenance Forms - TM-11-23230149Figure 23. DA Form 11-257.Section II. WEATHERPROOFINGSection Ill. TROUBLESHOOTING AT ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE LEVELEquipment Performance Checklist - TM-11-23230153Chapter 4. AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT - TM-11-23230154Chapter 5. THEORY - TM-11-23230155Housing and Projection HeadProjection HeadChapter 6. FIELD MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection II. DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY - TM-11-23230159Figure 26. Projector PH-637/PFP, pencil-groove section and front shelf removed.Figure 27. Projector PH-637A/PFP, cover raised.Figure 28. Rear view of PH-637(*)/PFP housing, rear door open, lamp house door deadGlass Condenser.Figure 29. Projector PH-637/PFP, bottom view cover removedFigure 30. Projector PH-637A/PFP, bottom view, cover removed.Figure 31. Blower assembly, one mounting removed.Rear Surface Mirror and Mirror Support.Projection-Head AssemblySupport Arm. - TM-11-23230169Figure 33. Projection-head assembly.Minor AdjustmentsOptical Alignment - TM-11-23230172Section IV. FINAL TESTING - TM-11-23230173Electrical RequirementsChapter 7. SHIPMENT AND LIMITED STORAGE AND DEMOLITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USE - TM-11-23230175Methods of Destruction - TM-11-23230176Appendix . REFERENCESAppendix . REFERENCES - continuedTM-11-2323 Projectors PH-637/PFP and PH-637A/PFP Manual