TM 10-3610-203-14
18-2. Main Power Receptacle.
Inspection. Inspect the main power receptacle as follows:
Inspect the electrical connector pins for damage and security.
Inspect the knurled, threaded female portion of the connector for thread damage.
Inspect protective cap and chain for damage and security.
Inspect electrical shield and mounting screws for damage, security and correct sealing.
Removal. Remove the main power receptacle as follows:
High voltage capable of causing death is utilized in this power circuit. Use extreme caution
during the disconnect process.
Disconnect main power cable from receptacle.
Remove receptacle access plate from rear of receptacle box by removing attaching screws.
Remove nuts and bolts which secure cover of main power service box and remove cover.
Tag and disconnect the four main electrical wires and remove from terminals. Remove wiring
clamps as necessary.
Remove receptacle mounting nuts and screws and remove receptacle, gasket, cap and wiring
from shelter wall. (See fig. 18-1.)
Repair. Repair of the main power receptacle consists of replacement of receptacle and cap, gasket, and
wiring as necessary.
Installation. Install the main power receptacle as follows:
If necessary, solder wiring to new receptacle using removed receptacle as a pattern.
Install receptacle, cap and gasket and secure with nuts and screws.
Carefully slide wires into main power service box. Using previously tagged wiring as a pattern,
position wiring on appropriate terminal and secure with screws. Install wiring lamps as necessary.
Install cover on main power service box and secure with nuts and bolts.
Install access plate on rear of receptacle box and secure with screws.
Connect main power cable to receptacle.
*U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1990 - 754-029/20171