CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-10-3610-203-14_8Section II. DESCRIPTION AND DATA - TM-10-3610-203-14_9 Figure 1-2. Press Shelter View From Front.Figure 1-3. Press Shelter Interior View From Front.Figure 1-4. Press Shelter Right Interior View From Rear.Figure 1-5. Press Shelter Left Interior View From RearTabulated Data - TM-10-3610-203-14_15Table 1-3. Press Shelter and Components Tabulated Data.Figure 1-6. Press Shelter Wiring Diagram.Figure. 1-7. Air Conditioner Wiring Diagram (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 1-7. Air Conditioner Wiring Diagram (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 1-7. Air Conditioner Wiring Diagram (Sheet 3 of 3)CHAPTER 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-10-3610-203-14_21Figure 2-1. Air Conditioner Controls - TM-10-3610-203-14_22Figure 2-2. Duplicating Machine and Stacker ControlsFigure 2-3. Color Press ControlsPapercutter. Figure 2-4. Papercutter Controls.Fire ExtinguisherSection II. OPERATION OF AUXILIARY EQUIPMENTCHAPTER 3 OPERATOR'S MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-10-3610-203-14_29Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3610-203-14_30Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - contSection III. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-10-3610-203-14_32Table 3-2. Troubleshooting - cont Table 3-2. Troubleshooting - cont Section IV. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESCHAPTER 4 ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-10-3610-203-14_36CHAPTER 4 ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-10-3610-203-14_37Figure 4-1. Attachment of Lifting Slings - TM-10-3610-203-14_38Loading For Movement. Figure 4-2. Rigging Instructions for Transportation of Shelter - TM-10-3610-203-14_40Reinstallation After Movement - TM-10-3610-203-14_41Reinstallation After Movement - TM-10-3610-203-14_42Preventive Maintenance Services - TM-10-3610-203-14_43Table 4-1. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3610-203-14_44Table 4-1. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - cont - TM-10-3610-203-14_45Table 4-1. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - cont - TM-10-3610-203-14_46Table 4-1. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - cont - TM-10-3610-203-14_47Section VI. TROUBLESHOOTINGTable 4-2. Troubleshooting - TM-10-3610-203-14_49Figure 4-3. Water Supply System Plumbing and FittingsTable 4-2. Troubleshooting - cont Figure 4-4. Fluorescent Lamp SwitchesFigure 4-5. Equipment ReceptacleTable 4-2. Troubleshooting - cont - TM-10-3610-203-14_54Section VII. RADIO INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSIONFigure 4-6. Color Press Guard, Removal and InstallationFigure 4-7. Water Feed ControlFigure 4-8. Color Press Removal and InstallationInstallation - TM-10-3610-203-14_59Section IX. MAINTENANCE OF TOOL BOARDFigure 4-9. Tool Board Assembly, Removal and Installation.Figure 4-10. Ladder AssemblyFigure 4-11. Ladder Assembly, Removal and InstallationSection XI. MAINTENANCE OF PAPER CUTTER ASSEMBLYFigure 4-12. Papercutter AssemblyPapercutter Assembly - TM-10-3610-203-14_66Figure 4-13. Water Supply System Plumbing and FittingsWater Supply PlumbingInstallation - TM-10-3610-203-14_69Figure 4-15. Air Conditioner Air Intake Filter Replacement.Section XIV. MAINTENANCE OF HUMIDIFIER ASSEMBLYFigure 4-17. Humidifier Rear View - TM-10-3610-203-14_72Figure 4-17. Humidifier Rear View - TM-10-3610-203-14_73Figure 4-18. Fire Extinguisher, Removal and InstallationSection XVI. MAINTENANCE OF FIRST AID KITFirst Aid KitFigure 4-20. Shelter Door Air Filter, Removal and InstallationFigure 4-21. Level Indicator Gage, Removal and InstallationFigure 4-22. Fluorescent Lamp Tube Replacement.Figure 4-23. Fluorescent Lamp Switches, Removal and InstallationSection XXI. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT RECEPTACLESInstallation - TM-10-3610-203-14_82CHAPTER 5 DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSTable 5-1. Troubleshooting - TM-10-3610-203-14_84Table 5-1. Troubleshooting - cont - TM-10-3610-203-14_85Table 5-1. Troubleshooting - cont - TM-10-3610-203-14_86Table 5-1. Troubleshooting - cont - TM-10-3610-203-14_87 Table 5-1. Troubleshooting- cont Section III. GENERAL MAINTENANCEFigure 5-2. Color Press Guard, Removal and InstallationFigure 5-3. Water Feed ControlFigure 5-4. Color Press Removal and InstallationFigure 5-5. Receding Stacker Left SideFigure 5-6. Receding Stacker Right SideFigure 5-7. Ejector Roller, Removal and InstallationFigure 5-8. Receding Stacker Upper Mounting ScrewsFigure 5-9. Duplication Machine Support Brackets5-10. Duplicating Machine Mounting PointsFigure 5-11. Left Register Board Cover ModificationFigure 5-12. Right Conveyor Cover Panel Modification.Figure 5-13. Speed Control Knob RemovalFigure 5-14. Infrared Lamp Wiring Installation Figure 5-15. Receding Stacker Assembly InstalledInstall color press attachmentPapercutter Assembly - TM-10-3610-203-14_106Figure 5-16. Paper Cutter, Removal and Installation.Installation. - TM-10-3610-203-14_108CHAPTER 6 REPAIR OF LADDER HOLDDOWN ASSEMBLYFigure 6-1. Ladder Assembly Holddown, Removal and InstallationCHAPTER 7 REPAIR OF TYPE A PAPER STORAGE CABINETFigure 7-1. Type A Cabinet, Removal and InstallationFigure 7-2. Storage Cabinet Latching MechanismRepair - TM-10-3610-203-14_114CHAPTER 8 REPAIR OF TYPE B PAPER STORAGE CABINETSFigure 8-1. Type B Cabinet, Removal and InstallationRepair. - TM-10-3610-203-14_117Figure 9-1. Stool Holddown Assembly, Removal and InstallationRepair. - TM-10-3610-203-14_119CHAPTER 10 REPAIR OF BENCH ASSEMBLYFigure 10-1. Bench Assembly, Removal and InstallationFigure 10-2. Papercutter Mounting PlatesRepair - TM-10-3610-203-14_123CHAPTER 11 REPAIR OF WATER TANK ASSEMBLYFigure 11-1. Water Tank, Removal and InstallationCHAPTER 12 REPAIR OF AIR CONDITIONERFigure 12-1. Pressure Gage Installation and Charging.Figure 12-2. Air Conditioner, Interior ViewFigure 12-3. Air Conditioner, Exterior ViewFigure 12-4. Heating Element, Removal and InstallationInstallation. - TM-10-3610-203-14_131Figure 12-5. Terminal Relay BoxRepair - TM-10-3610-203-14_133Inspection - TM-10-3610-203-14_134Figure 13-1. Blackout Warning Buzzer, Removal and InstallationFigure 13-2. Blackout Warning Switch, Removal and InstallationRemoval - TM-10-3610-203-14_137Figure 14-1. Blackout Door Lockpin Assembly.Blackout Door Lockpin Assembly - TM-10-3610-203-14_139Figure 15-1. Fieldphone Connection Cover.Figure 15-2. Telephone Binding Post, Removal and InstallationHinged CoverFigure 16-1. Level Indicator Gage and HousingRemoval - TM-10-3610-203-14_144Figure 17-1. Main Power Cable Assembly - TM-10-3610-203-14_145Main Power Cable Assembly - TM-10-3610-203-14_146Main Power Cable Assembly - TM-10-3610-203-14_147Main Power Receptacle - TM-10-3610-203-14_148CHAPTER 19 REPAIR OF MAIN POWER SERVICE BOX ASSEMBLY - TM-10-3610-203-14_149Figure 19-1. Main Service Box Assembly.Power Service Box AssemblyFigure 20-1. Fluorescent Lamp Assembly Ballast, Removal and Installation.Fluorescent Lamp AssemblyAPPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-10-3610-203-14_154APPENDIX B COMPONENTS OF END ITEM LIST - TM-10-3610-203-14_155Section II. INTEGRAL COMPONENTS OF END ITEM - TM-10-3610-203-14_156Section III. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS - TM-10-3610-203-14_157Section III. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS - TM-10-3610-203-14_158Column Entries Used in Tool and Test Equipment RequirementsSECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-10-3610-203-14_160SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-10-3610-203-14_161APPENDIX D EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST - TM-10-3610-203-14_162SECTION II. EXPENDABLE/DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTSECTION II. EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTALPHABETICAL INDEX - TM-10-3610-203-14_165ALPHABETICAL INDEX - contALPHABETICAL INDEX - cont - TM-10-3610-203-14_167ALPHABETICAL INDEX - cont - TM-10-3610-203-14_168ALPHABETICAL INDEX - cont - TM-10-3610-203-14_169ALPHABETICAL INDEX - cont - TM-10-3610-203-14_170