CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-10-3610-202-14_10Section II. DESCRIPTION AND DATA - TM-10-3610-202-14_11Figure 1-1. Editorial and Photomechanical Shelter View From RearFigure 1-2. Editorial and Photomechanical Shelter View From FrontFigure 1-3. Editorial and Photomechanical Shelter Interior View From FrontFigure 1-4. Editorial and Photomechanical Shelter Interior View From Rear (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 1-4. Editorial and Photomechanical Shelter Interior View From Rear (Sheet 2 of 2)Editorial and Photomechanical ShelterTable 1-3. Editorial and Photomechanical Shelter and Components Tabulated DataElectrical Data - TM-10-3610-202-14_19Figure 1-5. Editorial and Photomechanical Shelter Wiring DiagramFigure 1-6. Air Conditioner Wiring Diagram (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 1-6. Air Conditioner Wiring Diagram (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 1-6. Air Conditioner Wiring Diagram (Sheet 3 of 3)CHAPTER 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-10-3610-202-14_24Figure 2-1. Air Conditioner Controls - TM-10-3610-202-14_25Light TableFigure 2-2. Foot Operated Camera Vacuum PumpFigure 2-3. Film Dryer AssemblyBlackout WarningSection III. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONSCHAPTER 3 OPERATOR'S MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-10-3610-202-14_31Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3610-202-14_32Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - cont Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - cont - TM-10-3610-202-14_34Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - cont - TM-10-3610-202-14_35Section III. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-10-3610-202-14_36Section III. TROUBLESHOOTING - cont Camera LampWater Storage TankCHAPTER 4 ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-10-3610-202-14_40Section II. MOVEMENT TO A NEW WORKSITEFigure 4-1. Attachment of Lifting Slings - TM-10-3610-202-14_42Loading For MovementFigure 4-2. Rigging Instructions for Transportation of Shelter - TM-10-3610-202-14_44Reinstallation After Movement.Section III. REPAIR PARTS, SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTTable 4-1. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3610-202-14_47Table 4-1. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - cont - TM-10-3610-202-14_48Table 4-1. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - cont - TM-10-3610-202-14_49Table 4-1. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - cont - TM-10-3610-202-14_50Table 4-1. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - cont - TM-10-3610-202-14_51Table 4-1. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - cont - TM-10-3610-202-14_52Preventive Maintenance Services - TM-10-3610-202-14_53Table 4-2. Troubleshooting - TM-10-3610-202-14_54Figure 4-3. Type Composing Machine, Removal and InstallationTable 4-2. Troubleshooting - cont Figure 4-4. Water Supply System Plumbing and FittingsTable 4-2. Troubleshooting - cont - TM-10-3610-202-14_58Figure 4-5. Fluorescent Lamp Switches, Removal and InstallationFigure 4-6. Equipment Receptacles, Removal and Installation - TM-10-3610-202-14_60Figure 4-6. Equipment Receptacles, Removal and Installation - TM-10-3610-202-14_61Figure 4-7. File Cabinet AssemblyFigure 4-8. File Cabinet, Removal and InstallationStorage Compartment.Figure 4-9. Storage Compartment, Removal and InstallationFigure 4-10. Wall Cabinet assemblyFigure 4-11. Wall Cabinet, Removal and InstallationStorage ShelfFigure 4-12. Storage Shelf Assembly, Removal and InstallationFigure 4-13. Type Composing MachineFigure 4-14. Type Composing Machine and Stand, Removal and InstallationFigure 4-15. Camera Modification ClampFigure 4-16. Camera Film Case Retaining Clamp, Removal and InstallationFigure 4-17. Vacuum Pump Sound Attenuator, Removal and InstallationFigure 4-18. Safelight Assembly, Removal and Installation - TM-10-3610-202-14_75Figure 4-18. Safelight Assembly, Removal and Installation - TM-10-3610-202-14_76Figure 4-20. Humidifier Assembly (Drain Valve and Water Inlet Valve)Section XIV. MAINTENANCE OF HEADLINER COMPOSING MACHINEFigure 4-21. Headliner Composing Machine, Removal and InstallationFigure 4-22. Phototray AssemblyFigure 4-23. Rub-Up Board AssemblyFigure 4-24. Sink Shield, Removal and InstallationSection XVIII. MAINTENANCE OF SINK ASSEMBLYFigure 4-25. Air Conditioner Air Intake Filter ReplacementFigure 4-26. Humidifier Assembly (Front Cover removed)Figure 4-27. Humidifier Rear ViewSection XXI. MAINTENANCE OF FIRE EXTINGUISHERFigure 4-28. Fire Extinguisher, Removal and InstallationFigure 4-29. First Aid KitFigure 4-30. Shelter Door Air Filter, Removal and InstallationSection XXIV. MAINTENANCE OF LADDERFigure 4-31. Ladder Assembly, Removal and Installation - TM-10-3610-202-14_92Figure 4-31. Ladder Assembly, Removal and Installation - TM-10-3610-202-14_93Figure 4-33. Fluorescent Lamp Tube ReplacementFigure 4-34. Fluorescent Lamp Switches, Removal and InstallationFigure 4-35. Equipment Receptacles, Removal and InstallationSection I. REPAIR PARTS, SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTTable 5-1. Troubleshooting - TM-10-3610-202-14_98Table 5-1. Troubleshooting - cont - TM-10-3610-202-14_99Figure 5-1. Main Power Cable and ReceptacleTable 5-1. Troubleshooting Table 5-1. Troubleshooting - cont - TM-10-3610-202-14_102Figure 5-2. Fluorescent Lamp BallastTable 5-1. Troubleshooting - cont Removal - TM-10-3610-202-14_105Figure 5-3. Platemaker, Removal and InstallationFigure 5-4. Duct and Blower Motor, Removal and IllustrationInstallation - TM-10-3610-202-14_108Figure 5-5. Light Table AssemblyFigure 5-6. Light Table Shelf, Removal and InstallationFigure 5-7. Camera, Removal and InstallationFigure 5-8. Camera Film Case Retaining Clamp, Removal and InstallationFigure 5-9. Modifying Camera For Film Case ClampFigure 5-10. Vacuum Pump Sound Attenuator, Removal and InstallationFigure 5-11. Right Vacuum Pump, Removal and InstallationFigure 5-12. Rear Camera Lamp Holddown BracketFigure 5-13. Film Dryer and Deflector AssemblyFigure 5-14. Film Dryer Deflector InstallationFigure 5-15. Film Dryer Shelf. Removal and InstallationFigure 6-1. Stool Assembly Holddown, Removal and InstallationRepair. - TM-10-3610-202-14_121Figure 7-1. Folding Chair Holddown, Removal and InstallationCHAPTER 8 REPAIR OF DEVELOPER SHELF ASSEMBLYFigure 8-1. Developer Shelf, Removal and InstallationInstallation - TM-10-3610-202-14_125CHAPTER 9 REPAIR OF WATER TANK ASSEMBLYFigure 9-1. Water Tank, Removal and InstallationInstallation. - TM-10-3610-202-14_128Figure 9-2. Immersion Heater ControlFigure 10-1. Sink and Shield, Removal and InstallationFigure 10-2. Sink Drain Assembly, Removal and InstallationSink AssemblySink Drain AssemblyCHAPTER 11 REPAIR OF AIR CONDITIONERFigure 11-1. Pressure Gage Installation and ChargingFigure 11-2. Air Conditioner Interior ViewFigure 11-3. Air Conditioner Exterior ViewFigure 11-4. Heating Elements, Removal and InstallationTerminal Relay BoxFigure 11-5. Terminal Relay BoxFigure 11-6. Air Conditioner Control Box, Removal aid InstallationInspection - TM-10-3610-202-14_142Figure 12-1. Blackout Warning Buzzer, Removal and InstallationFigure 12-2. Blackout Warning Switch, Removal and InstallationRemoval - TM-10-3610-202-14_145Figure 13-1. Blackout Door Lockpin AssemblyBlackout Door Lockpin Assembly - TM-10-3610-202-14_147Figure 14-1. Fieldphone Connection CoverFigure 14-2. Telephone Binding Post, Removal and InstallationFigure 15-1. Ladder Assembly Holddown, Removal and InstallationFigure 15-2. Ladder Upper Mounting Bracket, Removal and InstallationRetainer BracketsFigure 16-1. Level Indicator Gage and Housing, Removal and InstallationFigure 17-1. Main Power Cable Assembly - TM-10-3610-202-14_154Main Power Cable Assembly.Figure 18-1. Main Power Receptacle, Removal and InstallationMain Power Receptacle - TM-10-3610-202-14_157CHAPTER 19 REPAIR OF MAIN POWER SERVICE BOX ASSEMBLY - TM-10-3610-202-14_158Figure 19-1. Main Power Service Box AssemblyMain Power Service Box Assembly.Figure 20-1. Fluorescent Lamp AssemblyRepair. - TM-10-3610-202-14_162APPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-10-3610-202-14_163APPENDIX A REFERENCES - cont APPENDIX B COMPONENTS OF END ITEM LIST - TM-10-3610-202-14_165Section II. INTEGRAL COMPONENTS OF END ITEM - TM-10-3610-202-14_166Section III. BASIC ISSUE ITEMSSection III. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS - cont APPENDIX C MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTColumn Entries Used in Tool and Test Equipment RequirementsSection II MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-10-3610-202-14_171Section II MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-10-3610-202-14_172Section II MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-10-3610-202-14_173APPENDIX D EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST - TM-10-3610-202-14_174SECTION II. EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LIST - TM-10-3610-202-14_175SECTION II. EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LIST - TM-10-3610-202-14_176SECTION II. EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LIST - TM-10-3610-202-14_177SECTION II. EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LIST - TM-10-3610-202-14_178ALPHABETICAL INDEX - TM-10-3610-202-14_179ALPHABETICAL INDEX - cont - TM-10-3610-202-14_180ALPHABETICAL INDEX - cont - TM-10-3610-202-14_181ALPHABETICAL INDEX - cont - TM-10-3610-202-14_182ALPHABETICAL INDEX - cont - TM-10-3610-202-14_183ALPHABETICAL INDEX - cont - TM-10-3610-202-14_184uALPHABETICAL INDEX - cont ALPHABETICAL INDEX - cont - TM-10-3610-202-14_186